Do you feel lonely? Here is your solution

**This episode contains adult language.
Welcome back to another episode of the Magic Power Podcast!
I’m your host Sarah Jasmin Cartsburg and today’s episode for you if you’ve ever felt lonely.
At times we feel that no one understands how you feel and who you really are. If you pretend to be someone who’s not the real you. You behave in ways in ways you don’t want to behave. You want to feel belonged and liked.
In today’s episode we will discuss,
My personal experience with loneliness, my coping mechanisms and how I overcame loneliness.
A life changing experience that changed my outlook on life, and how I realised that there are so many people out there who also pretend to feel belonged.
Finding a tribe to connect with, a group of people you with whom you feel belonged and do not need to pretend to be someone else.
Fulfilling your biological instincts so that you may use your positive energy into more productive projects.
Minimise spending energy on pretending to be someone else and channel the same energy towards other interests.
A few groups –
A group of people meet once a year and play fantasy games for a week.
The rainbow gathering, people meet to make the world a better place and to connect back to mother nature
Finding people who share passion for a common interest, this might be a sport like climbing or a love for computer games.
People who have quite their normal lives to travel around the world.
What are the values that are important to you? What are your true passions? There is surely a group of people who are just as passionate about your interests as you are.
Go out and find them, connect with them and you will the sense of ease that will enter the sense of ease when you meet the people you belong with, where you can be the real you.
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