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Let´s change the world from inside out - together
Discover your destiny. 
Activate your true potential. 
Become the highest light version of yourself.
Become who you were meant to be.
Release what´s holding you back.
Follow your true calling  - I´ll show you how!

Work with Sarah personally


What will you get when you work with Sarah personally?


- You get results much faster than you´ve ever imagined possible.


- You will design your future in a way that you want it to be - instead of letting life take its own course.


- For most big life topics, a single session with me can be enough to solve a problem completely.

However, due to legal reasons i can´t promise  that this will happen in all cases. It´s just what my experience over the last 12 years working with people has shown me.

I am thrilled by having the honour to work with you personally to help you achieve who you were meant to be and live the life you were meant to live.

The world needs corageous people like YOU who are ready to change themselves in order to change the world.


I am currently evolving my services more into group coachings, retreats and teacher trainings to be able to serve even more people - so this might be your last chance to work with me 1:1.


I offer all of my services  (except reincarnation therapy) not only in person, but also via skype or phone, in case you can´t travel to Munich.


Let´s do this - together!

Spiritual Awakening MasterTraining

In this MasterTraining I am teaching you personally how to reach higher states of consciousness by your own. 

You will not only remember where you originally came from (before you travelled to planet earth), but also give you absolute clarity about your higher purpose in life and your true spiritual gifts.

This allows you get absolutely clear about any questions your might have, switch dimensions with your mind and fully express the highest light version of yourself with your physical body on this planet.

This training is very intense and requires a high commitment from your side. Please only inquire when you feel like you are ready to consciously co-create a higher level of your existence!

Personal Coaching

A personal coaching with me is your gateway to accelerate your spiritual awakening and to solve big life problems, that stop you from following your true inner calling.


In a personal coaching session we decide together which one of the following methods i am offering is best for you right now:


 - past life regression/reincarnation therapy

 - solving childhood and birth traumata

 - finding answers to important questions such as 

   "What is my life´s destiny?"

   "Why i am here on this planet?"

   "In which areas should i change my life to be more happy and healthy?"

   "What are my true gifts? 

   "How can i access my full (spiritual) potential?"


...and some more:-)

12 Strand DNA Activation

I have been asked by beings from another dimension of light to offer people, who are ready for extremely fast spiritual growth, the activation of their 12 Strand DNA .

For doing so, I am working together with the beings from another dimensions and connect them to your spirit and physical body.

Because these beings are from another dimension, they do not have a physical body. So they do need a human being who is a medium, like me, to build the connection with you.

Personalised ThetaSubliminals

ThetaSubliminals are modern approach to transforming your life by changing your subconscious beliefs.


For personalised ThetaSubliminals i am creating Subliminals that are tailored to your exact problems and life situation and blend them with Thetawaves for more effectiveness.

Ti get you awesome results, I am not only talking with you to find out more about what you want to achieve with the Subliminals, but i am also using my spiritual gifts to make them even more special - so i can even adress life topics that you weren´t aware of yet, but that are important for you to solve.


You will get your 3 personal ThetaSubliminal tracks delivered as mp3  and can listen to them at your own convenience.

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My 3 most popular ThetaMeditations will create more happiness, inner peace & real purpose in your life  - instantly. PROMISE!
(without loosing a lot of time and even if you are a total beginner:-)

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I never send you and Spam. Promise! 




Martin - Master of Bioinformatics, Berlin

"This awesome meditation has changed my view upon life!"


Stefan Günther - Engineer, Canada

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© Sarah Jasmin Cartsburg - Kleinfeldstraße 1 - 82467 Garmisch-Partenkirchen - 0882-17271711



* Names and pictures on this website may be changed due to privacy reasons.


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