Sarah Jasmin Cartsburg
Your key to living a happy and empowered life

Archangel Ariel´s message for you

"I am Ariel.
I came to remind you that you have a great and important task here on earth.
Remember who you are – in reality – and why you have incarnated here on earth.
Why, right at this time – you were born on earth into a human body.
I will help you remember.
Go into deep meditation and connect with me.
Ask me for assistance and I will help you recognize your eternal light core, your divine nature –
so that you can remember why you came here.
You are a divine being and have infinite power.
Let me help you recognize and reawaken this power and use it for the highest purpose – now.
I am with you – but it is important that you consciously ask me for help
and call upon me daily so that I can give you the best support on your journey now."
How can you connect with Ariel to help you with the above?
Answer from Sarah - the creator of this quiz and the Magic Power Podcast:
"It is important to know that your spirits are always there waiting to help you and support you.
It is their job to help you but they are only allowed to step into your life and help you if you ask them to do so! This is crucial.
The universal laws state that the spirits or helpers from the light (I prefer to call the lighthelpers:-) are only allowed to help you if you ask them to do so because of your free will.
The only exception i know of are the guardian angels.
This works even if you can't see your spirits and even if you don't believe in them.
It is simply enough to connect with them and ask them for help.
You can do this internally, just in your mind, or you can visualize them. It doesn't really matter.
Find a way that works for you.
The only thing you really have to do is to consciously ask them to help you.
(Hint: it does help if you know who you want to ask for help)
So in your case, you would sit down, close your eyes, and say, "El Morya, please come and help me solve (fill in your specific challenge or problem) problem."
If you don't want to address a specific problem, you can also just say, "Please help me now in a way that is best for me."
It really is that easy.
The only thing you have to do is to remember to ask them for help.
Trust me, your life will get better if you do this regularly.
They do their job so perfectly, even more perfect than any human could help you.
They are amazing:-) (Did i mention i love my lighthelpers? They are like best friends to me....)
Since I work together with the spirit world, my life has changed tremendously. And I really created this podcast and my work to help you reach the same in your life - because it's so easy once you know how to do it!
Enjoy working with your spirits and have fun doing so!"
Recommended next action steps for you based on your quiz result:
1. Listen to my podcast episode about how I got in touch with my true inner power trough a dangerous disease with the help of the spirits here:
2. During the next few days connect consciously with Ariel at least once per day and send out gratitude to him (actually, he is probably not having a gender, but i find it helpful to imagine him as a male:-) for helping you.
3. Download your FREE and awesome meditation "Awakening your magic power" that will help you get in touch with your true inner power and more quickly and easily.
You can download it here for free: